At the Hyde Park Center for Aesthetic Dentistry, we believe good dental care is part of a healthy lifestyle. It is our goal to help you keep your teeth and gums in good health. A simple routine of daily teeth cleaning, good eating habits and regular dental visits can help prevent tooth decay (cavities) and gum (periodontal) disease. Dr. Christine Grant
and her staff are dedicated to providing you with excellent comprehensive care that involves both your oral health and general health. We take extra measures to treat and monitor your dental health and take into consideration your overall health.
Interesting Fact:
Good oral health and good overall health go hand-in-hand according to the surgeon general.
What To Expect At Your New Patient Exam & Cleaning:
(1) Initial Screening
At your first visit, Dr. Grant will perform a very detailed, thorough and comprehensive oral examination. Your examination will cover your past medical and dental history, prior medical surgeries and any medications or allergies that you may have. Your blood pressure and pulse will be taken and monitored on a regular basis. If needed, we will contact your general physician to review any medical concerns. Your chief area of concern is of utmost importance to us. If you are experiencing any dental pain or have an emergency, we will address that immediately. Our goal is to identify your toothache, provide treatment and get you out of pain as quickly as possible.
Interesting Fact: Did you know that digital x-rays reduce radiation by 90 % compared to traditional x-rays?
(2)Full Mouth Series X-Rays
Dental x-rays
are an essential, preventative, diagnostic tool that help aid dentists identify dental disease inside and surrounding our teeth in areas not visible to the naked eye. Dr. Grant utilizes the latest in advanced digital technology to diagnose decay and disease to assist with her treatment planning. Early detection of dental problems is paramount in avoiding more serious problems later.
Digital x-rays provide several advantages over traditional x-rays; they are safer and healthier for the patient due to significantly lower levels of radiation, they are faster and more comfortable and since the image is captured electronically, there is no need to develop the x-rays, thus eliminating harmful chemicals into the environment.
(3) Dental Examination
Your dental examination
will encompass a detailed report of past dental restorations, current conditions requiring treatment and potential future areas of concern. First, Dr. Grant and her assistant will chart existing restorations so we can identify current conditions and changes over time. Second, Dr. Grant will identify and diagnose any decay or disease that is present clinically or radio-graphically that requires treatment. Teeth will be checked for decay (cavities) and gums will be checked for any signs of gum (periodontal) disease. Third, Dr. Grant will make recommendations for treatment and discuss several options with you. Dr. Grant will involve you in the decision making process in determining how to phase your treatment. For example, some patients will phase their treatment one quadrant or one side at a time.
Interesting Fact: By having a thorough exam at every visit, you are improving your chances at living a longer, healthier life.
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(4) Intra-Oral Camera
Whiledigital x-raysallow us to seedental decay
and disease inside the teeth, digital photos allow us to see incredible detail outside the teeth. The intra-oral camera
allows us to see every aspect of your teeth and tissues with incredible detail, uncovering cracked teeth, cavities surrounding fillings, tartar buildup in hard to reach areas, fractured cusps and excessive wear on teeth. It also allows us to see abnormalities in the gums or oral tissues of your mouth. With the use of the intra-oral camera, Dr. Grant and her staff are able to highlight current conditions in your mouth and educate you about your dental health. Our goal is to give you a clear understanding of your current dental needs and allow you to make a more informed decision regarding your treatment options.
(5) Cancer Screening Test
Oral canceris a highly curable disease when it's caught early. Dr. Grant and her hygienist are trained in the early detection of oral cancer. During the visual part of the examination, we will look for any tissues changes or abnormalities especially in the tissues of the mouth including the tongue, palate and cheeks. We will palpate and feel the soft tissues of the face, glands and neck for any unusual bumps or lesions. In addition, we will use a laser unit which highlights any pathologic changes below the surface of our tissues to help us identify lesions invisible to the naked eye. If there are any areas in question, a biopsy will be performed to determine the precise stage and grade of the oral lesion. Treatment methods vary according to the diagnosis but may include excision, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Dr. Grant is committed to performing dedicated comprehensiveoral cancer screeningtests at least once per year.
Interesting Fact:
According to the American cancer society, more than 30,000 cases of oral cancer are diagnosed each year with more than 7,000 resulting in death. 75% of oral cancers are linked to modifiable behaviors such as smoking, tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption. 25% of those diagnosed abstain from both substances.
(6) Professional Dental Cleaning
During yourcomprehensive dental examination, Dr. Grant and her hygienist will assess the health of your gums and supporting bone. The type of cleaning you need is determined by many factors including the amount of plaque and tartar, whether or not your gums bleed easily when probed and percentage of bone loss visible on the x-rays. A periodontal probe is gently used to measure the depth of pockets surrounding each tooth. The depth of a healthy sulcus is usually three millimeters or less. Generally, the deeper the pocket, the more severe the disease. If you are in the early stages of Gingivitis- you may need a professional cleaning or prophylaxis.
Interesting Fact:
The old system of everyone having their teeth cleaned only twice a year has fallen out of favor. In fact, many believe that the idea actually came from the recommendations of a 1940 toothpaste advertisement. Many dentists and hygienists are now setting up a patient's cleaning schedule based on their personal needs. This may be as often as four times per year.
A prophylaxis is a cleaning above the gum line. Gingivitis can be reversed if you remove plaque before it builds up. However, if your gum disease is left untreated and progresses to Periodontal Disease- you may need a special deep cleaning called Scaling and Root Planing. This is a cleaning below the gum line. Dr. Grant and her hygienist will evaluate your current condition and make recommendations based on your individual needs.
(7) Professional Fluoride Application
During your regular cleaning appointments, our hygienist will apply a prescription fluoride to your teeth. Fluoride helps people of all ages by strengthening the enamel thereby making the tooth surface harder and prevents our teeth from developing cavities. Fluoride is available in two forms- topical and systemic. We gain topical fluoride by using fluoride containing products such as toothpaste, mouth rinses and gels in combination with professional application by your dentist. This fluoride enters the outer surface of the tooth enamel, making your teeth more resistant to decay. Systemic fluoride is obtained from most foods and our community water supplies. It strengthens teeth that have erupted as well as those that are developing below the gums. Fluoride is the most effective agent available to help prevent tooth decay for adults and children and is recognized by many health and professional organizations.
Keep Your Teeth at Their Best with an Exam and Cleaning!
For the best comprehensive dental care for your teeth, call The Hyde Park Center For Aesthetic Dentistry - Christine Grant D.M.D., P.A. in Tampa, Florida today at 813-251-1548to schedule an appointment for your new patient exam and cleaning.
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