Healthy Gums
Straighter teeth are easier to maintain by brushing and flossing than teeth that are crowded, rotated or spaced. With straighter teeth, you can avoid heavy tartar buildup with swelling and bleeding of the gums leading to better periodontal health. QUICK AND EASY CLEANINGS- With properly aligned teeth, it is easier for patients to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth avoiding periodontal (gum) disease. In addition, it is easier to remove the bacteria that causes tooth decay thereby avoiding cavities.
Improved Chewing and Speech
Correcting mal-positioned teeth improves overall chewing and speech. Properly aligned teeth are straight and parallel allowing an even distribution of forces on the chewing surfaces of the teeth. This helps patients chew evenly on all teeth. Straighter teeth allow for more normal positioning of the tongue in relation to the teeth allowing better speech.
Decreased Risk of Abnormal Wear and Dental Trauma
Properly aligned teeth help prevent the chipping and breaking of tooth enamel and restorations by everyday habits such as chewing and grinding. When teeth are poorly positioned, it is easier to chip and break them because the teeth are not occluding with even forces. These uneven forces lead to abnormal wear and ultimately severe trauma of the teeth. Correcting your malocclusion improves both your esthetics and function of your teeth.
Prettier More Confident Smile
Straightening your teeth will not only improve the health and function of your teeth, but it will substantially improve your overall appearance as well. Before Invisalign, most patients don't smile as big and have a more shy and reserved smile. After Invisalign treatment, you will have a prettier, more confident smile. Others will notice and you will be smiling more broadly with a renewed sense of beauty and self-confidence.