Dr. Grant states: "The majority of crowns look artificial and fake. Patients coming to me for the first time complain their current crowns show a visible metal margin or black line along the gum line. They complain the color of their crowns look uniform and not natural. My goal is to replicate the aesthetics and function of my patient's naturally occurring tooth structure. This involves studying the optical properties of tooth enamel and dentin and how they pertain to the study of light (electromagnetic radiation) and their interaction with various dental materials. The goal is to fabricate crowns that emulate my patient's natural teeth".
Dr. Grant studies and incorporates the following optical properties in the design work of her crowns:
(1) Hue - color
(2) Value - brightness level
(3) Chroma - intensity of the color
(4) Translucency - amount of light that transmits through a material and
(5) Opacity - lack of light transmitting through a material. For example, when evaluating optical properties between a Zirconia Porcelain Crown versus an E-max Porcelain Crown; Zirconia Crowns are more opaque (less transparent) and E-max Crowns are more translucent (more see-through). Dr. Grant adds: "I gain my greatest satisfaction and pleasure from knowing I've done a superb job when a patient asks me to show them which tooth in their mouth has the new crown on it. I always get a kick out of that."